Dr. Sarah Davidon
Board Member
Since 1998 Dr. Sarah Davidon has lived and worked in Colorado, while also consulting nationally, providing technical assistance, delivering keynote addresses and presentations, and authoring publications, all designed to help organizations identify and commit to effective children's mental health policy and program investment. She is the founder and principal consultant with Davidon Consulting, where she serves as a nationally recognized expert in both early childhood and school-age mental health system design and strategy, working with organizations in Colorado and across the country to improve how children’s mental health is understood and addressed. Dr. Davidon previously worked with Mental Health Colorado as the Research Director and also led the organization’s child and adolescent mental health strategy, where she developed pioneering School Mental Health and Early Childhood Mental Health Toolkits. She served as a Governor’s appointee to the Children’s Mental Health Subcommittee of the Behavioral Health Task Force, serves on the Board of Directors of Healthy Child Care Colorado, has held appointments to the Douglas County Commissioners’ Mental Health Committee, Jefferson County School Safety and Security Task Force, and Colorado’s Behavioral Health Transformation Council, and is past-president of the Colorado Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health Board of Directors. Dr. Davidon is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and the Harvard University Graduate School of Education and received her doctorate from the University of Colorado School of Education and Human Development in educational equity, and holds assistant professor appointments at both the University of Colorado School of Medicine and Georgetown University. She lives in the foothills with her two children who attend JeffCo Public Schools and three dogs who don't.