Michele Vanags
Board Member
Michele started her insurance career over 36 years ago in Indiana. She and her husband Einar moved to Evergreen, Colorado in 2010 and raised two children and two dogs. Michele spent the last 14 years growing her State Farm Agency to become one of the largest women owned agencies in Evergreen. She embraced the opportunity to hire women and to open the doors to students through internships. Becoming a Resilience1220 Mental Health Partner, and then becoming a member of the Board of Directors is something she is very proud of. “Supporting mountain area students and schools has been a passion for me personally and for my business. Recognizing that we all at some point in our lives feel or have felt that we don’t belong or don’t have value can be difficult – especially for our youth. My goal is to continue to do what I can to provide the necessary support personally, through my business and by supporting the important mission of Resilience1220.”